Idioms are an essential component of every language, and most importantly English. Understanding idioms is a crucial part of learning Intermediate or Advanced English, whether you wish to learn American or British English.

Consider how frequently you use idioms in your native tongue. Isn’t it true that this happens quite frequently? Idioms enhance the beauty of words. Using idioms can help you sound more eloquent and better clarify your argument, whether you’re sending an office email or giving a corporate presentation. Idioms can add intrigue and polish to your message. And, especially in business, you often have to communicate to impress as well as to convey!

This is our to-do list for today! These idioms are ideal for intermediate English learners looking to broaden their horizons. Remember, don’t try to remember them all and utilize them all the next time you speak with someone. That’ll be overkill! (Here’s a bonus 11th idiom for you: overkill refers to an excessive amount of something) Instead, study one or two new words per week and gradually incorporate them into your English conversation.

Now: 10 idioms that every English speaker should know and utilize!

English idioms 2
Rattle the cage – Trying to irritate or disturb someone.
For example, whatever you do, don’t rattle his cage!

Get into the weeds – implies looking into the specifics.
E.g. I’m not going to dig into the weeds now, but if you want me to guide you through it later, please let me know.

Rubber hits the road – means the moment you apply what you’ve learned.
E.g. Launching the advertisement is where the rubber hits the road. Until then, everything is just speculation.

Spring chicken – means young. The word “Spring chicken” is often used in the negative form “no spring chicken”
E.g. Bob Dylan is no spring chicken anymore but he still makes great music.

Test the waters – means to try out something before making a commitment.
E.g. Gina wanted to test the waters before opening the restaurant. So she started a food truck.

Monkey off the back – means to end or solve a problem.
E.g. By winning the tournament, the team finally got the monkey off its back.

Elephant in the room – means the obvious, big concern that no ones to talk about.
E.g. The big lay-offs were the elephant in the room, but no one wanted to discuss it in the meeting.

Bent over backwards – means going out of the way to help someone
The teacher bent over backwards to help her students but the students put in very little effort from their side.

Set in stone – means that something is fixed and cannot be changed.
E.g. The agreement is not yet set in stone

Before the ink is dry – means when something just happened.
E.g. John wanted to wait till the ink was dry on the agreement to make the announcement.

Don’t worry if these idioms don’t come naturally to you while speaking, as I previously stated. However, if you have additional opportunities to practice English with native speakers, take advantage of them, whether it’s through oral or written contact. You’ll go from being an intermediate English speaker to an advanced English speaker in no time!